□Life Style/Other's

구름위에서 본 도시의 빛 - flickr

cosmac 2009. 2. 27. 21:04

Glowing Cities Under a Nighttime Sky (원제)

구름위에서 보이는 도시의 빛은 어떨까? 
Ettubrute 라는 사람이 flickr,에 올린 사진으로 만든 동영상
그냥 밋밋할 것 같은 비행기 여행이 환상적으로 그려진다.

On my night time flight back to SF from Amsterdam, I noticed that the lights from cities were making the clouds glow. Really spectacular and ethereal - it was really seeing the impact of urban environments from a different perspective. Each glow or squiggle represents one town or city!
 Luckily the flight was half empty, so I was able to set up an improvised stabilizer mound made up of my bags, pillows, and blankets for my camera to sit on.
 We were around the midwest at the beginning of the clip, and there were fewer cities once we hit the rockies. the bridge at the end is the san mateo bridge.
 Technique: 1600iso; beginning - 1 (30sec) exposure / 45secs; end - 1 (4sec) exposure / 10 secs; total elapsed time: around 3 hours?
 Equipment used: Nikon D300 (interval shooting mode), Tokina 12-24mm.
 Music: Bloc Party - Signs

*Update 2-2-09, 12am: just made it over 50k views! thanks guys for all the kind comments and support!!

'08년 12월 17일 1:56오후 PST에 Ettubrute님이 업로드