□Life Style/Other's

Palouse, Canola Field - Zeb Andrews

cosmac 2008. 11. 18. 16:12

Rolling canola fields in the Palouse area of Southeastern Washington.
This was taken simply with my Pentax 6x7, Kodak 100UC film (what a great film eh?) and a polarizer.
No other saturation needed. Believe it or not, I was not even thinking of the Windows desktop when I shot this. :-p It was quite a lovely day, the wind was blowing slightly, it was bright and sunny, but the partly cloudy skies and light breeze made for a wonderful afternoon. This was my first visit to the Palouse and I have only been back once, but I plan on getting back there again. If you go, I got this shot in May, the landscapes there can change dramatically by the month. 

출처: http://www.flickr.com/photos/zebandrews/85892292/in/set-72157607561758005/

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