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Taipei 101 fireworks usher in New Year 2013 台北101跨年煙火
2013. 1. 9. 07:18
Via Flickr:
Fireworks were launching from the Taipei 101 building to mark the new year in Taipei on January 1, 2013. A dazzling 188-second display of fireworks was set to welcome the new year 2013 at Taipei 101, consisting of a choreographed adaptation of The Firebird, the famous 1910 work by Russian composer Igor Stravinsky. (Fireworks was designed by Groupe F ).
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民國102年跨年煙火,由法國廠商Groupe F設計,188秒2萬2千發。法國廠商Groupe F設計煙火概念來自「火鳥」,煙火搭配古典樂,就像火鳥在空中優雅飛舞;除首度採用GPS定位與無線控制系統發射煙火,精準度高,也首度在大樓塔尖發射煙火,並採用「冷光低煙」煙火以減少煙霧。
台北101迎接民國102年跨年焰火 (此煙火秀是由法國團隊Groupe F 負責承包設計與施放 )。
Taipei, Taiwan.