□Life Style/Other's

kissed by the sun:)

cosmac 2013. 6. 6. 17:56
kissed by the sun:) by little m:)
kissed by the sun:), a photo by little m:) on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
you are going to see about 10,000 shots of the palouse next week ~ so i am throwing mine up now and getting the hellz outta dar!

pretty average trip for the Goodtime Girls~rolled around with the ticks, got pulled over by the PoPo a few times, nearly killed by my camera gear...

have to say ~ i am proud of this shot, though:) and even if it would not have turned out - there is absoluletly nothing in the world to compare to the feeling of the sun rising up above those hills and kissing you warmly on both eyelids...divine:)

Dedicated to MILES MORGAN~ who was with us in spirit...albeit one BITTER RESENTFUL SNARLY PANTS spirit:)))))))