Being with you□Life Style/Other's 2013. 1. 24. 17:08
Being with you, a photo by SheltiesWorld on Flickr. Via Flickr: Being with you…..Is a reckless feeling that I enjoy ……..Being with you….Is like breaking all the rules……Being with you…..When everyone said it would not last……. Being with you……Is like losing all control……Being with you….Is running against the wind……….Being with you……Well here I am…..
LED램프를 단 양들이 그린 모나리자□Life Style/♨휴게소 2009. 3. 26. 18:11
대단한 작업물이네요. 양, 양치기, 양치기개, LED기술자, 그리고 전체 프로젝트를 담당한 감독까지. 약간 억지 스러운 면이 있기도 하지만, 양, 양치기, 양치기개가 이렇게 호흡이 잘 맞는 군요. 게다가 삼성전자 후원이네요 원제 : Extreme Sheep LED Art 출처 : Bestofyoutube.com the electician : Emris the Player : Gerry The LED Master : Rob The General : Bernard 즐감하시길 ^^