The Explosion of Colors 42/52□Life Style/Other's 2013. 1. 15. 08:31
The Explosion of Colors 42/52, a photo by sprinkle happiness on Flickr.Via Flickr: I had this idea for a while now and so happy that I finally had the time to do it today. Now Chuppy needs a bath tomorrow so that will be fun as well. During this photo shoot, Chuppy was being such a good boy. ahhh, he is definitely a pro model now. After this photo, my camera was colorful as well. There was so mu..
Eyes - danny. [Flickr]□Life Style/Other's 2008. 11. 18. 12:10
Cambridge UK, Fuji NPC 160ASA, Rolleiflex SL35, Zeiss Planar 50mm/f1.8 (2005, Old neg) 남의 사진에 설명을 쓴다는게 사족 같아서 많이 부담스럽다. 사진에 대한 설명보다 보는데로 느끼면 되니까. 작가가 설명이 없었을 경우 더욱더 그렇다. 작가 설명부터 하자면 danny. 라는 필명으로 Flickr에서 활동하고 있다. 그가 말하는 단두줄의 자기 소개는 'I use mainly old cameras and shoot film.' 'I have a Leica M3 and a set of Exakta SLR cameras which I treasure.' 사는곳 Cambridge, UK 사진에 여러가지 요소가 있지만 구도 빛 그중에서도 빛에 빨려..