Flower Sanctuary□Life Style/Other's 2013. 5. 12. 10:08
Flower Sanctuary, a photo by Michael Bollino on Flickr.Via Flickr: Some mornings things work out. After being battered by sustained 30 mph winds at the Dalles Mountain Ranch I woke up to relatively calm conditions at Rowena Crest. I expected to line up next to a dozen or so other photographers, so I was shocked and ecstatic to find myself alone in this sea of balsamroot! As the light rose, a ban..
IMG_5039 LS COLO□Life Style/Other's 2013. 5. 12. 10:07
IMG_5039 LS COLO, a photo by thingsb on Flickr.
happy worldwide pinhole day!□Life Style/Other's 2013. 3. 25. 18:35
happy worldwide pinhole day!, a photo by manyfires on Flickr.Via Flickr: It's that time of year again... time to take your pinhole camera out in celebration of Worldwide Pinhole Day! Or, as a friend of mine calls it... "Pinhole Awareness Day". This is my friend Jennifer out at the Tulip Fields. Except, in this case we're facing away from the fields and toward the Hazelnut Groves. Image made with..