our ride to the stars [EXPLORED]□Life Style/Other's 2013. 1. 15. 07:00
our ride to the stars [EXPLORED], a photo by STEPtheWOLF on Flickr.Via Flickr: Thank you for the ride Karin! Well it took quite a while, but finally this shot was added to Flickr´s Explore! Things always turn out good in the end. :-) Thank you guys so much for all your comments and favs!
Cycling near Curio bay□Life Style/Other's 2013. 1. 9. 06:51
Cycling near Curio bay, a photo by on Flickr.Via Flickr: From the blog, December 2012: On the South Island of New Zealand it doesn’t take much to uncover such spots. The country has been blessed with far more than its fair share of natural beauty. Finding quiet backroads is fairly easy and we’re rarely bothered by traffic. We got our desired dose of stunning coastal scenery on t..