Dusk□Life Style/Other's 2013. 2. 14. 16:28
Dusk, a photo by Untempered Eye on Flickr.Via Flickr: 041 / 365 [Project 365] Whilst out walking with Tobi I usually have my camera slung over my shoulder, and always try to be concious of having it set up ready to grab 'that moment' should an opportunity present itself at short notice... and today I'm glad of such! Passing by a gap in a high hedge I caught a brief glimpse of a farmer and his sh..
Embrace□Life Style/Other's 2013. 2. 14. 06:26
Embrace, a photo by sprinkle happiness on Flickr.Via Flickr: Just another photo from the series of "A Winter Symphony" to update my flickr a bit. I saved this photo because she just looks so cute with that face. ALSO, I just had the biggest rush of inspiration and I am so stoked for my props to come! Here is hoping it all goes well. Oh, and I will be baby sitting Aiko again next week so more pho..
Happy New Year Everybody!□Life Style/Other's 2013. 2. 10. 17:42
Happy New Year Everybody, a photo by kdee64 on Flickr.Via Flickr: Best viewed large- pls click on it:) I hope the coming year is a great one for everybody! This past year exceeded my wildest expectations as an amateur nature photographer, with a steady trickle of requests to publish my work, including several international newspapers and magazines. 'Wally the Weasel' was recently published in th..
AURORA "The Chase" Shirt□Life Style/Other's 2013. 1. 24. 23:58
AURORA "The Chase" Shirt, a photo by ▲ = trashisfesch = ▲ on Flickr.Via Flickr: This is "The Chase"! As commuter, messenger or urban rider, you will know this situation. Sometimes, there are just too many cars around. This stunning picture by Melbourne based photographer Duncan Ewington tells stories we all know and shows rider Joey Dodd outrunning the cars.